
Back in the late 70’s, a notorious cult leader by the name of Jim Jones persuaded his cult followers to relocate from San Francisco to Guyana to form their own country, which he called Jonestown. Upon being exposed as a fraud, Jones had “his people” drink a powdered fruit drink that he laced with cyanide thus killing them all in what went down as the biggest mass suicide in history.

Though it wasn’t actually the Kool-Aid brand drink that he used, the media coined the phrase “they drank the Kool-Aid” to describe blind, uncritical acceptance or following similar to a cult.
A cult, is described on Wikipedia as a religious group or other organization with deviant and novel beliefs and practices.
And somewhere along the way, this phrase attached itself to the Network Marketing profession.

I submit that every living person on this planet, by Wikipedia’s definition, is a cult member. Without exception, everyone is where they are today because of some “novel belief”.

Hence, “Glad I Drank the Kool-Aid” is a blog about belief. I’ve learned over the years that belief is probably the single most important factor when it comes to succeeding at anything.


First its Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy.
Then it’s blind faith that a relationship will work out.
Next, maybe it’s school. Should I go to college? Which college? I believe it will take me toward my dreams.
Then, your career choice. I believe its the right path.
Marriage. I think its fair to say that 100% of marriages start with belief.
Investments. We believe we will get a certain rate of return.

Strangely, I didn’t drink much of the Kool-Aid when I was a kid. I didn’t listen to my parents’ advice. I didn’t value education and chose not to believe themI didn’t believe that being responsible, showing up for work on time, or even getting committed to a job was my path. Hence 20 jobs in a six-year span.
I did believe that coaching Little League, playing softball, dating girls, partying and hangout out was fun, and so that’s pretty much what I did well into my 20’s.

But one day I woke up and realized that I was on a road to nowhere. I can’t remember exactly what made me make that realization. But it was a set of Zig Ziglar cassette tapes that gave me my first taste of the “Kool-Aid.”

Personal development opened my eyes to the world around me. For some reason I decided to believe that my destiny was in my own hands. I decided to believe that positive is better than negative. I realized that I have the absolute power to determine my own thoughts and actions. I believed that I could build a global business with zero talent or know-how. I believed that I could write a national best-selling book even though I didn’t have anything to write about. And it all became so.

That was the day that my life changed forever.

I hope that you’ll find enjoyment and benefit from my postings here on this blog in 2014. I’d even love it if you’d participate. I love comments (good and bad), so let’s do it!

I’m not sure where it will all go . . . as I have no goal here. I just believe it will be fun!

I’m Glad I Drank the Kool-Aid!

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Joe Grushkin says:

    Tommy… you nailed it with this one!!! Well done, well said!…


  2. Hey Tommy. I love your Blog. The Sunglasses in the water is a really true story of mu Peter in Tortola..we got to connect. xoxox from Montreal Marie


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